Our last two days in the Mt. St. Helens area were spent at gorgeous Takhlakh Lake Campground. The campground was nestled into the lake shore with Mt. Adams and its ever-changing reflections dominating the landscape. Hiking the many trails and watching the sunsets and stars come out in the lake occupied our days and nights.
We took the Killen Creek Trail into the Mt. Adams Wilderness and up to the Pacific Crest National Recreation
Trail on our last day.
Gorgeous wildflower meadows, snow patches above 5,000 feet, views of Mt. Ranier in the distance and incredible views of the glaciers on Mt. Adams were ours for the price of a little exertion, sweat and some dust and mosquitos (but nothing is perfect). The climb was about 1,000 feet, so we got a bit of a workout - but what a way to go out!
Mt. Adams and Takhlakh Lake
Bluebonnets and Indian Paint Brush on Killen Creek Trail |
Spring in August in the mountain meadows - Bluebonnet patch |
Mt. Ranier from Mt. Adams section of Pacific Crest Trail |
Mt. Adams sunset and reflection in Takhlakh Lake
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